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Junior & Senior students have the opportunity to participate in paid work-based learning internship experiences through the Career Launch classes.  Internships provide opportunities such as:

+ Access to employment at businesses not typical for high school students
+ Release time from school to participate in the internship
+ Flexible scheduling the takes into consideration high school classes
+ High School elective credit towards graduation
+ Support from a teacher to assist with internship placement, hiring, and monitoring
+ A professional wage
+ Potential for permanent employment


Career Launch Courses

Career Launch A - Explore:  This course provides students with an opportunity to research careers, develop professional skills, create a resume, job shadow and earn an OSHA-10 safety credential.

Career Launch B - Experience:  This course is a paid internship at a partnering business to allow students to gain real-world experience.  Students are released from school to participate in this hands-on work-based learning opportunity in which they'll earn high school credit, earn money, and learn the skills necessary for their future career.  
* Career Launch B may be repeated for credit.  Students wanting to continue an internship for multiple semesters or multiple class periods should register for multiple sections.

Youth Skills Training Program

The Youth Skills Training (YST) program supports partnerships between schools, employers and community organizations to provide safe, healthy and meaningful paid work experience to students 16 and older.  These locally developed partnerships provide students with access to employment that might not otherwise be available to them.  More information about the program can be found on the YST @ DLI website.  

These business are approved YST locations, and opportunities continue to be added.  

Pioneer Press Article (5/31/24)

First page of the PDF file: HeyWeBuiltThatPioneerPress-3-31-24_Article