Ranger U - Dual Credit
What is Ranger U?
Ranger U is provides students the opportunity to be immersed in their high school experience while earning college credits. Many students today feel they need to choose between the richness of high school (athletics, extra-curricular activities, social events, etc.) and starting college early as a PSEO student to save on college tuition. Ranger U enables students to do both.
How does Ranger U work?
All students in grades 9-12, have the opportunity to earn college credit through AP, CIS, or other concurrent courses. Each concurrent enrollment course will have eligibility requirements listed in the course description.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
AP courses are classes taught by FLAHS teachers with specialized training and certification to prepare students to take an end-of-year AP exam.
- Depending on students' scores on the AP exam, college credits can be earned in a variety of subjects.
- To learn more about how a college accepts AP credit, Google search AP credit + the college's name.
Articulated Courses
A number of courses taught at FLHS have the potential of resulting in college credit from certain community or technical colleges. For the credit to be offered, an articulation agreement must be signed by the student, the FLHS teacher and the collaborating college instructor. Such agreements must be created and signed yearly, so it isn’t possible to list courses as “articulated” prior to the start of school. *These courses are not weighted,
Note: Students must attend that community or technical college for these credits to be granted.
Concurrent Enrollment (CIS)
Concurrent enrollment courses are classes offered at FLAHS in which students are also dually enrolled into an accredited college program. The classes take place at FLAHS, with FLAHS staff, but work is submitted and approved by the partnering college.
- Upon successful completion of the course, students earn college credits from the partnering university or college.
- FLAHS has established concurrent enrollment classes with the University of Minnesota, Southwest State University, Pine Technical and Community College, and Hennepin Technical College.
- To learn more about how a college accepts concurrent credit, use Transferology.
- Use this worksheet to confirm your eligibility for concurrent enrollment options to ensure that you can take the course and receive credit.