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Student Behavior

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Disciplinary action may be taken as a result of any behavior which is disruptive of good order or which violates the rights of others. The following acts are examples of unacceptable behavior and subject to disciplinary action in the school district:

  1. Fighting: Mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the situation by verbal and/or physical action.
  2. Harassment: Participating in, or conspiring for others to engage in harassing acts that injure, degrade, or disgrace other individuals.
  3. Sexual, Racial and Religious Harassment and Violence: Sexual, racial and religious harassment and violence as defined in School Board Policy 425.
  4. Bullying: “Bullying” means repeated behavior by an individual or group that is intended to cause the victim, or would cause a reasonable person of the same age as the victim, to feel frightened, or physically abused. (Further clarification can be found in School Board Policy 541)
  5. Abusive Language: Disrespectful and/or threatening language to others.
  6. Assault: “Assault” is doing an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death or intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon another.
  7. Hazing: “Hazing” means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose. (Further clarification can be found in School Board Policy 431)
  8. Willful Damage of School Property
  9. Theft: The unauthorized taking or possession of the property of another.
  10. Willful Disobedience: Refusal to follow school rules and regulations.
  11. Gambling: The playing of a game of chance for stakes.
  12. Disorderly Conduct: Engaging in offensive, obscene, or abusive language or in boisterous and noisy conduct.

Our primary function is to provide an education to our students and to help them prepare for their education and career following high school. Our role as it relates to disciplining a student who engages in behavior that violates our Student Code of Conduct is to help students process the issue and to help guide him/her make better choices in the future. When consequences for behavior are necessary we will utilize out of school suspensions and community resources. We also strongly encourage parents to provide consequences at home. We do not use after school detention or in-school restriction programs as a consequence. We believe that the best consequences are provided by parents and community agencies as they are better equipped to provide corrective interventions and/or counseling services.

Students are expected to comply with reasonable requests made by staff members. School staff have the responsibility of ensuring a safe, productive educational environment and will address students that interfere with this environment. Students who do not comply are considered insubordinate, which is a serious violation of school rules.

Students are expected to give their correct name or I.D. card to any staff member, including parking lot security who requests that information. Failure to comply with the request for identification is considered insubordination, a serious violation of school rules.

It is important to the faculty, administration, School Board and community that our school develop and maintain an atmosphere of respect for others and be a place where learning and growing can occur. Students and parents should be aware that we expect responsible behavior from our students. Students choosing to behave irresponsibly will receive consequences as indicated below. The determination of consequences will involve a number of variables including: intent, remorse, disciplinary history, compliance, cooperation and other possible circumstances.

  1. STUDENT CONFERENCE: Conferences will be conducted with the students regarding disciplinary matters to insure due process. Each student facing the imposition of disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct will be informed orally or in writing of the facts and nature of the conduct which has been challenged, and then given the opportunity to explain his/her version of the facts or conduct which has been challenged prior to the imposition of discipline.
  2. PARENT CONTACT: Depending on the violation and the seriousness of the action, a student’s parent/guardian(s) may be contacted by phone or mail in addition to the student conference. The intent of the contact is to inform the parent of the violation and the student’s attitude during the conference, and to elicit parent support for promoting acceptable behavior in the future.
  3. PARENT CONFERENCE: The Principal, Assistant Principal, Dean, or Teacher may request a parent conference, with or without the student present. The purpose of the conference is to enable parents and school staff to share important information in order to work effectively together to assist students in overcoming academic or behavioral challenges.
  4. REMOVAL FROM CLASS BY TEACHER: Every teacher has the authority to remove a student from the class for up to three (3) consecutive class periods.
  5. OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: “Suspension” means an action taken by the school administration which prohibits a student from attending school for a period of not more than ten (10) consecutive school days. The suspension period may be extended an additional five (5) days when it is determined that the student will create an immediate and substantial danger to persons or property around him/her. The purpose of suspension is to remove the student from the school environment, to provide time for the professional staff, parent/guardian and student to discuss the issue(s), which led to the suspension and to develop an agreement, which, defines future behavior on the part of the student. Suspended students may not trespass on school property during the term of the suspension. Suspensions are not subject to appeal.
  6. REFERRAL TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: Some violations of the Code of Conduct may be referred to the Police Liaison Officer. If deemed necessary, it will be forwarded to an appropriate law enforcement agency for further action.
  7. EXPULSION OR EXCLUSION: “Expulsion” means an action taken by the School Board to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for a period that shall not exceed one calendar year (M.S. 127.27 Subd. 4). “Exclusion” means an action taken by the School Board to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a student for a period that shall not extend beyond the school year.
  8. LOSS OF PRIVILEGES: Students may also lose privileges in response to violations of school rules or regulations. 
  9. RESTITUTION: Students may be required to restore, or repair damages incurred to the victim of their actions.

All visitors to FLHS must be issued a Visitors Pass from the Principal’s Office. No student visitors will be allowed at Forest Lake Senior High School during school hours. Please see Section 6 of the Public Policies for the full school visitor’s policy.

Students who have had articles lost or stolen should file a report in the Student Services office immediately. Any articles found should be turned into Student Services, where they will be kept until claimed by the owner. Students are reminded that care must be taken not to leave valuables unattended or unlocked. Parents and students should be aware that items which have been stolen or lost cannot be replaced by the school or the school's insurance company.

Textbooks will be furnished free to all students. The school may charge fees for textbooks, workbooks and library books that are lost or destroyed.

Use, possession, distribution or sale of illegal drugs, alcohol, narcotics, drug paraphernalia, or simulated drugs is a violation of School District Policy. To maintain a safe and healthful educational environment, random searches of school lockers and vehicles involving law enforcement canine units may be conducted throughout the year.

Any FLHS student found to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or any other illegal substance or involved in a sale or attempt to sell in school, on school property, school bus or at any school sponsored event, will be subject to the following action:

  1. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) notified;
  2. Administration and chemical health counselor informed;
  3. Suspension from school based on the following district guidelines:
    1. Under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol on school property or at a school event: Consequence ~ up to a ten (10) day suspension. More than one offense will lead to more severe consequences, which may include expulsion.
    2. Possession and/or use of illegal drugs, alcohol or simulated drugs with others on school property or at a school event: Consequence ~ Up to a ten (10) day suspension and consideration for expulsion based on type and quantity of drug.
    3. Selling or intent to sell illegal drugs, alcohol or simulated drugs on school property or at a school event: Consequence ~ Ten (10) day suspension with consideration for expulsion.
  4. The police liaison officer will be involved. Substances collected will be turned over to the liaison officer. Referral to law enforcement for further action will also be made by the liaison officer for all incidents.

TOBACCO (All ISD 831 Buildings & Grounds are Tobacco Free Areas)
At FLHS, violating the smoking policy includes the following:

  1. Possession of tobacco products
  2. Cigarette in hand (lit or unlit)
  3. Smoke being blown from nose or mouth
  4. Use of chewing tobacco
  5. Possession or use of electronic cigarettes

In 1994, Minnesota law was expanded to make it a petty misdemeanor for anyone under the age of 18 to possess any tobacco product. Consequently, violation of the tobacco policy on school property or during school activities may result in referral to the police in addition to the other school consequences.
Students are prohibited from possessing or using ignition devices in the high school. The 1999 Minnesota Legislature has dictated that, effective August 1999, any student who uses an ignition device, including a lighter or matches, inside a school, where there is a risk of a fire are guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

Bringing a dangerous weapon on school property is a violation of Minnesota law, and is a felony offense. No person may possess a dangerous weapon on school property at any time. A dangerous weapon is defined as “any device or instrument designed as a weapon or capable, through its use, of producing great bodily harm or death”. This includes but is not limited to: guns (loaded or unloaded), switchblades and other knives, brass knuckles, heavy chains, pointed or sharp accessories, certain liquids, ammunition or explosive material, pellet guns or look-alike guns. School property includes school buses, any district facility and/or any property owned or leased by a school, whether public or private. If a weapon is a firearm (as defined in US Code, Title 18, Section 921), the “school safe zone” is extended 1000 feet or a city block beyond school property, whichever is greater. Violation of the terms of the Minnesota law and/or school district policy regarding dangerous weapons will result in severe penalties that may include expulsion from school, significant fines, and imprisonment.

See Section 6 of Public Policies for full school weapons policy.

Any student, his/her personal effects or vehicle on school property may be searched at any time by a school official when the school official has reasonable suspicion that the student may be in possession of illegal substances or items.

MN State statute requires that all students and parents be notified of the following state mandated policy regarding school lockers:

“School lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Inspection of the interior of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school authorities must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials”. (See Section 6 – Public Policies for the full policy on searches.)

Students and their parents are responsible to choose suitable school wear. The high school allows students considerable freedom of choice in selection of school attire but will not allow dress that:

Interferes with the learning process within the school. (Examples of prohibited attire include clothing with inappropriate or offensive words or pictures, tobacco, alcohol products, illegal drugs, or are sexually explicit or suggestive).
Creates a health or safety hazard or a perception of a hazard to any person, including the wearer; and/or prevents the student from doing his/her best due to blocked vision or restricted movement.
Clothing must cover back, shoulders, midriff and completely cover chest, buttocks and underclothing.

Violation of the dress code will result in a directive to change, parent contact and/or dismissal for the day. Repeated offenses will lead to more severe consequences.

The wearing or display (including decals, stickers, drawings, etc.) of confederate flags, swastikas and KKK signs or other offensive symbols are not permitted on school property or at school sponsored events. This also includes anything representing “colors”, gang affiliation or other symbols that may interfere with a safe educational environment. School property is defined as the school building and grounds, including the parking lot and the school buses.

It is expected that FLHS students pursue their academic studies in an honest manner and with integrity. Work that is turned in for credit needs to result from the students’ own efforts. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, two major areas: cheating and plagiarism. Cheating is a deceptive act in which a student attempts to show knowledge which is not his/hers. Plagiarism is presenting information from someone else, as though the ideas, words or facts are the student’s own.

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Copying a passage exactly without using quotation marks or giving the author/ source.
  • Copying a passage and changing a word or two and not giving the author/source.
  • Using some key phrases without quotation marks or giving the author/source.
  • Putting someone else’s ideas into your own words, but not giving the author credit.
  • Using another author’s idea without giving credit to the source.
  • Turning in another student’s work as one’s own.
  • Splicing together multiple papers from outside authors and presenting it as an original essay.
  • Cheating on an examination or portion of an examination.
  • Having someone else write a paper or complete a project and presenting it as one's own..
  • Giving a speech written by another person.
  • Not following documentation instructions and presenting research as one’s own findings (includes a portion of someone else’s ideas) without appropriately documenting the thinker.
  • Using an electronic translator for world languages school work.
  • Turning in work from the Internet as one’s own.
  • Participating in unauthorized collaboration with others on individual tasks.
  • Sharing inappropriate information with others about content of anticipated assessments (tests).
  • Bringing unauthorized items or materials to a testing situation.

Students who are found committing an act of academic dishonesty will receive a grade of zero or “F” on that assignment. No opportunity will be given to make up the assignment in question. In some cases, the assignment receiving a zero or “F” grade may lead to failure of the course. Student(s) involved will also be referred to his/her dean. Additional consequences may be applied, up to and including expulsion.

Students traveling around the building other than during passing time must have a Hall Pass. All passes must include ONE student’s name, date, time, destination and the teacher’s signature. A Leave School Pass is required if students need to leave the building during school hours and must be obtained from the Student Services Office.

Outward public displays of affection (embracing, kissing, etc.) are not suitable behaviors in the school setting. Students who disregard this policy will be requested to have a conference with their dean and parent/guardian & may be assigned other consequences.

Skateboards, inline skates, roller-skates or bicycles are not allowed to be used in or around the building especially when buses are loading or unloading.

Personal electronic devices such as pagers, stereos with headphones, computers, calculators, I-Pods, cellular phones etc. are allowed in school only if they serve a valuable family or educational purpose. If such devices create a disturbance or are inappropriately used, they will be confiscated. Laser pointers are not allowed.

The use of cell phones in school is generally prohibited because of the disruption that can occur. However, in some very restricted instances, cell phone use by students is permitted.

  1. Cell phones must be turned off in classrooms and stored in a purse, briefcase, backpack, pocket, etc.
  2. Cell phones must be turned off in locker rooms and bathrooms and stored in a purse, briefcase, backpack, pocket, etc.
  3. Cell phones may be used in the hallways and cafeteria.
  4. Cell phones that are stored in lockers must be turned off.
  5. Failure to follow these directives may result in the loss of all cell phone privileges at school and may result in other disciplinary actions.
  6. These rules are intended to outline minimal expectations regarding cell phone use in school. Principals can enforce rules that are stricter.

The use of cameras in school by students is generally prohibited because of the disruption that can occur. However, in some very restricted instances, camera use by students is permitted.

Cameras cannot be used in locker rooms and bathrooms

Failure to follow this directive may result in the loss of all camera privileges at school and may result in other disciplinary actions including suspension and/or expulsion.

These rules are intended to outline minimal expectations regarding camera use in school. Principals can enforce rules that are stricter.
Students are to utilize the available technology for educational purposes. Misuse of technology may result in restrictions and/or other consequences up to and including expulsion as well as civil or criminal penalties that may be imposed by law. See Section 6 - Public Policies for the Internet Acceptable Use & Safety Policy.

Follow all school rules and district policies; log in only as authorized (don’t log in as someone else); log out before leaving the computer; respect the privacy of others; don’t share passwords or write them down; use creative passwords and change them regularly if applicable; follow copyright and license laws; reference materials you use (cite your sources); choose key search words carefully when searching the Internet; never give out personal information, such as full name, phone number or address; limit printing as much as possible; model appropriate use for others; maintain a backup of important files when appropriate; and report concerns of inappropriate or illegal activity to a teacher or administrator.

School projects, including research, word processing, etc.; support of extra-curricular activities; and/or personal research or personal goals that fit within the appropriate use guidelines, provided the technology is not needed for one of the above activities.

To attempt to bypass or alter computer security; attempt, assist in or gain unauthorized access (intentional or unintentional); modify computer configuration (wallpaper, sounds, etc.) without authorization*; request, access, transfer, copy or store inappropriate messages or materials; use or store unauthorized* programs on school machines; install or download software without authorization*; use technology resources for commercial/personal profit or illegal enterprises; or any other act that hinders the use of technology by students and staff.


Admittance into Dances

  1. Dances are for FLHS students (exceptions, such as Prom, may occur
    1. FLHS Students must show their current school ID to enter.
    2. If guests are allowed, all guests, including early grads, must complete a Guest Request Form.
  2. Students may not attend if:
    1. they have an unexcused absence during that school day.
    2. they are suspended from school during that school day.
    3. the dean/principal determine that other concerns prohibit attendance
  3. Unacceptable/unsafe behavior will result in removal from the dance.
  4. Once students leave the dance, they cannot be readmitted.
  5. Suggestive dancing and aggressive behavior is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  6. School rules apply at dances.

Current junior or senior students attending the Forest Lake High School or Forest Lake Area Learning Center may purchase prom tickets. Guests attending the Forest Lake Prom must be at least a sophomore in high school & no older than 20 years of age. Guests attending the Forest Lake Prom who are students from another high school must complete a guest form sheet & have it signed by one of their high school administrators. If the guest is no longer attending high school, the guest must complete a non-student guest slip & attach a copy of their driver’s license. These forms must be completed prior to purchasing the prom tickets.

Sportsmanship is about respect - respect for players, coaches, officials and other spectators. Encourage and support fair play through appropriate behavior.

Respect means:

  1. No profanity, abusive language or negative personal remarks.
  2. Let officials do their job. Constant criticism is unnecessary and detracts from the game.
  3. Let the coaches do their job. They need and appreciate your support more than your criticism. 
  4. Obey the rules of the game: No smoking, no alcoholic beverages, and no drugs.
  5. Stay within the designated area for fans. Coming on the field or court is disruptive to the game and disrespectful to the participants. 
  6. Physical confrontations or throwing objects onto the court or field is absolutely forbidden. These kinds of actions cause unsafe conditions and are subject to penalties.
  7. Treat the game for what it is… A game.
  8. If you are remembered as a role model, let it be as a positive role model.
  9. Protect the “rights” of young athletes including the right to a safe environment, right to be treated with dignity, and the right to have fun through sport.